by bigmetamobile


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Get the latest weather conditions, checking the forecast for FINLAND cities. See accurate 5 days forecasts from your Smartphone or tablet.The Weather app is specifically designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible,with just one click you can load the weather condition in 7 cities in FINLAND (Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere , Vantaa, Oulu, Turku, Jyväskylä).
★ Flat Interface ★ Intuitive, seamless user interface★ Weather FINLAND benefits all known screen resolutions★ Next 5 Days Forecast★ Different color for different weather★ Multiple Finland Cities★ Sunrise time★ Sunset time★ Widgets for different cities★ Perceived temperature★ Humidity★ Smart location search★ Switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit★ Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations
Content delivered by openweathermap
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